Mini Pumpkin Painting at North Park Beer Company 10/20
October 14, 2019
FOJ General Meeting 10/30/19
October 29, 2019

Jog-a-thon Information!

What is the Jefferson Jog-A-thon?

The Jog-a-thon is our largest fundraiser of the year.  Participants earn money for the school by asking family and friends to make tax-deductible pledges, and then running as many laps as they can on November 20th. This year, we are only asking for flat donations in support of our school.  Though there will be no per-lap pledges, students will win prizes based on their lap count.

Friends of Jefferson is the school foundation, which pays for educational and enrichment opportunities that the School District does not cover. Our goal for Jog-a-thon this year is to raise $50,000! All the money we raise will go toward paying for Gardening classes, ArtReach, after-school clubs, field trips, assemblies, and other expenses that are not covered by the school budget but are important to our students’ education. We expect to spend over $60,000 on these items this year, so it’s crucial that everyone participate in this fundraiser!

How do I get pledges?

Ask friends and family! Register your students at and follow the simple registration steps.  It takes just minutes to set up your child’s own fundraising page to request pledges via email, text, and social media. You may use the paper pledge form if you don’t register online; but registering and requesting online greatly increases your chances of earning money AND winning prizes!

*The 2 classrooms that send out the most pledge requests by Monday, November 4th will win a Root Beer Float Party for their class!

*Prizes, including Disneyland tickets, “Limo Lunch” with Principal Morga, scooters, drones, t-shirts, and much more will be awarded for requesting donations and raising money! In addition, the class that raises the most money gets to go on a field trip of their teacher’s choice!

PK will jog from 8:35-8:45

TK and K will jog from 8:55-9:10

Grades 1 and 2 will jog from 9:20-9:35                                             

Grades 3 through 5 will jog from 9:45-10:05                     

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